Worship during COVID-19

Worship / Sermons

  • We will stream live on BUMC’s Facebook page.
  • Soon after the livestream ends, we will upload the video recording to the BUMC YouTube channel.
  • Bookmark the past sermons page to find a list of all video recorded sermons to view On Demand.
  • To watch on your mobile phone or tablet, get the Church by MinistryOne app in the Apple App Store or Google Play and link it to Brooklyn UMC. The app contains sermon videos, online giving, and more!

Maundy Thursday Liturgy & Sermon

MN Conference Good Friday Video

Easter Sunday 9am

Easter Sunday 11:30am


  • Mail an offering to Brooklyn UMC, 7200 Brooklyn Blvd. Brooklyn Center MN 55429 (checks only please)
  • Visit our giving page at https://www.simplechurchgiving.net/app/giving/broo7200139
  • Text “give” to 651-240-2862 (BUMC)
  • download Church by MinistryOne on your smartphone and search for  Brooklyn United Methodist Church

A letter from Pastor Rich 3/26/20