Children’s Ministries

Miss Linda’s Online Videos

April 8 – Scaredy Cat

Deep Blue dbkidslogo

Sunday School–Where kids 3 years to 5th Grade dive deep into the Bible!

We have Bible adventures, learn about the men and women of the Old Testament, walk through Jesus’ life and experience His exciting stories, and learn how to live as disciples of Jesus. With our Deep Blue core curriculum and the Deep Blue Kids, we open our Bibles and learn more about God, Jesus, our faith and how it all fits together into our everyday life. We learn through storytelling, crafts, games, music, and videos. Every month one Sunday focuses on a service or mission project and one Sunday on fun and fellowship.

Children can also participate in special programs such as the Gala and in the children’s Christmas worship service.

Children 3 years to 5th grade can join the Deep Blue Kids every Sunday for Sunday School at 9:00 am or 11:30 am, or with their families for the WOW mid-week service on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm.

Support for Faith Families

Children share materials after every class letting families know about what they’ve learned and activities to do at home to support their faith development. The one-room schoolhouse Christian education format, a part of the Worship on Wednesdays, uses the Deep Blue curriculum and follows the Faith 5 process to build faith families.   We also offer families the opportunity to learn and grow together throughout the year.

Summer Camping Experience

We support Methodist camping experience for our children with group registration and camperships. Twenty-six of our children participated in overnight camping experiences in 2016.

Nursery Care

Safe, secure, loving nursery care is offered Sundays from 8:45 am-1:15 pm. The Nursery may also be opened for some special events.

All teachers and resource people for the Children and Family ministry area are volunteers dedicated to helping children find a sense of acceptance and belonging, guide their spiritual learning and faith formation through Christian education, worship, and support of a Christian family environment.